basket painting…
The wastebaskets that I placed in my mudroom as shoe storage once upon a time looked like this…
I picked them up at HomeGoods for $7.99 each and they were fine as is. Painted and dipped baskets are everywhere lately so I decided to try my own version. I rummaged through my craft paint and paint sample collection until I found the colors I was looking for.
Using a dry brush method I just brushed the paint right on the basket. I decided to do stripes at the top, bottom and middle of the basket. I created a random pattern on the first basket and just kept it up for the other three. No measuring, no painters tape and nothing perfect.
They dried overnight and were put straight to work the next morning.
Think of these as a solution for small toy storage in a child’s room, a place to store hats and gloves, or even a pantry solution for pre-made snack bags. Have your child paint their own as well. They’d be so proud of their work they might even put their toys/shoes/hats/gloves/lego’s/doll clothes/stuffed animals away!
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