Bathroom before and after
I showed you yesterday how to add some wall art with fabric. Today I’ll show you where the piece I created ended up. First make sure you are sitting down, I’m going to show you the before. Here is how my half bath looked when we bought the house.
Not a great shot, but whatever picture I had would have been just as bad. It was cold, sterile and reminded me of the bathrooms in my high school. Brown tile on the floor. Old sink mounted on the wall. Builders white on the walls. Ugly.
I found a sink that was small enough, since this is a tight space. We added some paint to the walls, Benjamin Moore Weimaraner on top (the closest I’ll get to having a dog), glossy white on the bottom. A new schoolhouse light, new flooring, new fixtures and voila…
Here is yesterday’s wall art in its’ new home.
So is this what your high school bathroom looked like? I think not.
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