A blog
I have been toying with the idea of starting a design blog for a while now. There are so many different types out there. You have the gung-ho do-it-youselfer’s who go to Home Depot on Monday and have a finished kitchen by Friday.
Not me.
Then there are the ones with style and fabric and a budget the size of Texas who have all the ideas and pay someone to do it all.
Then you have the people who post the things they like.
Wait, back up there.
Then there is me. I have lots of pretty ideas in my head. Some I think up myself, others I get from what I see out there. It’s like Pinterest in my head.
I love Pinterest.
There I said it out loud, and saying it on the internet is a lot louder than actually saying it out loud. Plus my two year old just looked at me funny.
So today is a day to start something new. And it’s a great day for a birthday!
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