I currently love Pinterest. Categorizing the ideas and inspirations you find online is so simple and effective. I had so many pins before we started the work on out basement. I used them to show our contractor, and now I’m using them as I go through all the projects I’ve taken on. Every day I pin at least one new idea. Here is a look at my collection for this week.
Read MoreOne of my sponsors, The Felt Pod, generously sent me some felt ribbon the other day. I’ve never worked with felt before, and we are not talking normal felt at all. This is not the kind of primary color felt you find in your local craft store. This is 100% wool felt in an amazing assortment of colors. I decided to create a bulletin board since I’ll be needing one soon for a new area coming up in my home. I purchased a cork board at the craft store and put a layer of fabric first. I didn’t want anything too bold so I chose to cut some sheer curtains I already had. The stitch pattern on them adds enough without actually using fabric with a pattern. I didn’t want the felt ribbon to get lost in the fabric. I cut the felt into 16 stripes which would act as…
Read MoreI purchased this hand a little while ago and I promised that I would explain why. It looks strange and I’m pretty sure my three year old is afraid of it. Here is my reasoning. Bringing random decorative accents into the home might be easy to do. Finding accents with meaning is a little more difficult. When something has meaning because it might be an heirloom, from your travels or a gift from someone special, it makes sense to have it in your home. Picking up something at Target because you just like it works as well, but finding something random and making it your own makes it personal. Here is my example. All students at one time or another doodle. Notebooks are always filled on the margins with whatever your personal doodle was (past tense since I haven’t been a student for quite a while). My high school and college notebooks…
Read MoreIn my effort to work with items I already have in my home and see how I can reuse them I have found my latest victim. I purchased a cookie jar, pitcher, sugar jar and milk pitcher a couple years back when I was in my “everything in my kitchen must match” phase. Fast forward a couple years and those pieces are slowly getting an overhaul. These items have gotten some wear and tear over the years so I decided to try painting them black. I purchased some flat black spray paint and applied 3 coats, waiting about a hour between each coat. The end result is not perfect, but for a recycled item, not too shabby. I still have a couple more pieces so next time I’ll be trying out a different medium, chalkboard spray!
Read MoreJune is almost halfway done so that means it is time to say thank you to all my lovely sponsors. I hope you take some time to visit their shops and blogs!
Read MoreWith the addition of a newly stenciled hallway I am on the lookout for some furniture. The space is tight but hopefully I can pull off finding something tall, wide and less that 14 inches deep. I ask a lot, I know. The problem is I get an image in my head and there is no changing my mind. I picture an older piece that is open so that the stencil is visible, painted a beautiful buttery yellow. Enjoy the eye candy… somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com somersetbayhome.com
Read MoreI now have a mudroom. It is no longer a mudroom/laundry room with four piles of dirty laundry on the floor competing with coats and shoes and everything else. It is just a mudroom. It is a little room with a big job considering we have two adults, three kids and now a dog (gasp!). Cue the brakes and scratched record sound effects and Hello Dolly! Moving on, here is how it looked before the washer, dryer and utility sink were moved downstairs to the new laundry room. Right now the room feels so much bigger. The shoe armoire was moved to the back wall and covers the area which is one of the biggest eye sores in that room. Out of sight, out of mind. The space left by the washing machine and sink is now filled by an Expedit. Eventually I will make a trip to IKEA to get…
Read MoreCongratulations to … Fawn Strunk the winner of the Royal Design Studio Stencil. Thank you to everyone who entered.
Read MoreI have a weakness for ceramics. There, I said it. Whenever I find myself on the hunt for a new accessory for my home I always walk away with some sort of ceramic piece. This pear is simple, beautifully done and it was in the clearance section. That’s a no brainer on my part! It has a slight crackled texture under the glaze and is on the larger scale. My children are also pear freaks so this personalizes it a bit. Plus it looks great on a bookshelf.
Read MoreThis past weekend I was able to visit some antique stores while visiting with family in the Duchess County region of New York. I hit the jackpot. First up are these adorable chalkboard labels. They are going to look great in the mudroom, don’t you think? Next, the hand. I know it looks a bit strange now, but there is going to be a great explanation behind it, along with a coat of paint. Last but not least, drum roll please… I picked up four rolls of wallpaper, 56.37 square feet each for a total of eight dollars!!!! Not just any wallpaper. Waverly textured wallpaper in a gorgeous pattern. Keep your fingers crossed that it is paintable. It doesn’t say much on the label but I plan to try it anyways. Maybe a slight glaze, nothing too heavy so that it doesn’t warp the paper. Any advice would be greatly…
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