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Read MoreI now have a built in in my family room that is 17 feet wide. It will soon be full of books, accessories and the occasional matchbox car. I was looking into my options of how to dress up the back of my bookcase and came up with a couple ideas. I could paint it either an accent color or the same color as the walls above my board and batten. This seemed like a very permanent solution to me so I nixed that idea. I like to change my design around as much as I like to rearrange furniture. My other option was to use paper, which I’ve done before. I was looking to try something new. Enter Chic Shelf Paper. With more than 300 patterns, ChicShelfPaper.com offers the largest selection of shelf papers and drawer liners on the Web. Designs are available in high-quality vinyl, fabric, or heavy…
Read MoreI made a big mistake the other day. I fell in love with some fabric and even posted it on my moodboard for my laundry room. It has just the right burst of color and scale that I was looking for to create some sort of artwork for the wall. fabric.com The blues would bring out the color of my walls, Behr Breaker. The burst of color from the giant poppies would really stand out in the room. So now that I’ve seen this and fallen in love, I’m determined to get it somehow. I used to be able to paint. I even had a portfolio! How hard can a poppy be?
Read MoreThe search has begun for some rugs for the new basement space. I’d like to have at least three rugs down there. A neutral area rug for the family room section, something soft and durable. I’d love something pretty yet practical for the laundry room. For the play area section I’m looking for fun. I came across Vecco, a company that offers stencils, colorant sprays and sealants to do it all yourself. With some fantastic stencils to choose from you could do a project like this with any room in mind. Family room, nursery, older children’s bedrooms, mudroom. I had a hard time picking just one I liked. This one is my favorite so far. You can really customize these by not only picking the general stencil, but the pattern you create as well. I might start small. Don’t be surprised when this rug greats you at my front door!
Read MoreI struck gold on Sunday at the launching of The Shops At Target. Everything was a little spread out but I found what I was looking for. This was the only time I actually wished I had my kids with me so I could have told my 5 year old to run on ahead. This way I would have had to chase him down the aisle and would have made it to the Privet section faster than my adult legs are supposed to carry me. I also found some unexpected surprises. As I was looking through the dish and place mat section I came across these napkins. Double sided and square, not rectangular! I’ve always been on the lookout for double sided napkins that I could try opening up and stuffing like pillows. The only problem is that most napkins are rectangular, which is not the shape I want for…
Read MoreFor the first time in my life I went to the Container Store today. It has now been added to my list of “Don’t let me go there with a credit card” stores. I found a new project in every aisle. I kept it realistic and came home with a couple good ones. My children have a container of crayons that is always out. The problem is that it is ugly and messy looking so I am always putting it away. I love that they want to draw and use their crayons so without looking too hard, I was always trying to find another crayon container. I found this tin container for $4.50 and decided it would be the perfect fit, with a little accessorizing. Enter Washi tape. I haven’t jumped on the Washi tape bandwagon yet so I decided today was the day. All I did was wrap horizontal…
Read MoreSo is anyone else planning a trip to Target on Sunday? Target is launching The Shop At Target, a selection of specialty stores and boutiques partnering to make these items now accessible to Target’s customers. The collection includes The Webster which offers men’s and women’s clothing and accessories, The Candy Store for the sweet tooth in you, Cos Bar which carries European perfumery as well as makeup and other products, Polka Dot Bakery for dogs and of local fame here in Boston, and my personal favorite, Privet House. Privet House is known for its’ home goods, antiques and accessories. The quirky style of some of its’ pieces is what I love the most. Picking out one or two items to accessorize a room always add some personality to your decor. Here is a sampling of what they will be offering, courtesy of Target.com… I’m not the kind of person to…
Read MoreThank you to everyone who entered. Sher, please send an email so you can claim new artwork!
Read MoreThe six stairs leading down to the basement were stained today. This is great because they look fabulous, but this is also not so great because I’m not allowed down those stairs. I started unpacking things and sorting out what goes where but I’m not allowed to walk down the stairs and actually do it. That’s like buying and wrapping Christmas presents and then being told you can’t hand them out. Until tomorrow then, at least I can admire the view from the top!
Read MoreSo I have a functioning laundry room. Now for the fun part!
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