After removing my kitchen cabinets to create a family command center I had one last item on that wall that I couldn’t take care of myself. The outlet that was originally in the cabinet was stuck out. Since it was in the cabinet it didn’t really matter. Now that my wall is all pretty and organized it does really matter. I’m no electrician and was not going to attempt this one on my own. So it sat this way for a little while. I covered it up with the art cart, but it never sat flush against the wall. I tried a small ottoman which again stuck out. We grouped all our electrical projects (this outlet, some disobediant switches in the front entryway, and the pendant over the kitchen table) into one day and had an electrician come in. He cut a hole in the sheetrock, recessed the electrical box, patched…
Read MoreIn searching for a rug for the basement I’ve flip-flopped on my rug options so many times that I’ve lost track of what I want down there. I’ve been going back and forth between flatweave, tufted and natural fiber rugs and really need to make a decision on what I want for the space. Here are the options… I like the patterns and colors that you find in most flatweaves except in my home they seem to get thrown around. The rug never stays flat on the floor since they slide around when you walk (or wrestle in some cases) on it. I’ve tried rug tape to keep it in place but that has always felt strange to me as well, like I’m going to trip on the rug! Tufted rugs feel more sumptuous, comfortable and cozy. I’d love that type of feeling for the basement also. My kids are…
Read MoreMy project on creating a family command center has been consolidated into one post and I’m sharing it on the Wayfair blog today. Go take a look!
Read MoreAs you may have heard, here in the Boston area we have received a record amount of snowfall in just a few short weeks. I blame all those times we sang “Let It Go” last winter. Driving around you feel like a mouse in a maze. Going downhill you feel like you are in a luge run. The snow banks are so high in some areas it is hard to see over them. My youngest has a hard time going outside to play since the snow is taller than he is in some places! There are icicles everywhere which I admit are pretty to look at. Just don’t stand under them. The snow is piled up over some of our lower windows and comes up as high as our living room window, which is about 6 or 7 feet off the ground. It is a mess up here. My patio table is under…
Read MoreI finally finished something which I hope you will find useful! I’ve created a project gallery where all of my projects can now be found in one space. Just click on the Project link in my header and it will bring you to a full gallery of all my projects and tutorials. Take your pick from full project tutorials to supply lists to sources. I’ll be taking some time off to enjoy the February break with my family. Enjoy!
Read MoreThis week I officially started my work on the basement. As in the contractors are gone and now I get to do my part! First up on my LONG list is the toy closet. I had planned to purge the toy closet in September once my kids were back in school. The flooding in the basement took care of that job for me since we had to get rid of everything. If the items weren’t damaged by water they were covered in mold. So I started this project off with an empty closet. Good for me, bad for my kids. I had a look in mind for how I wanted this closet to turn out. I have not been able to find what is in my head online anywhere. I wanted a warm but dark blue color on the walls with lots of white storage in the form of bins and…
Read MoreWith winter sticking around and another snowstorm up here in the Northeast there is a good chance you are getting sick of seeing the inside of your home. I know I am. I’m over on the Hooker Furniture blog sharing some tips on how to fall in love with your home again. From little changes to bigger ones you can work with what you have to give your space a whole new feel. See you there!
Read MoreIf I was decorating a nursery again (which I am not) I’d go with a favorite old trick of mine. Before my daughter arrived (and when we still didn’t know if she was a he or a she) I decorated the nursery with artwork from a childrens’ book. My husband and I had traveled to Montreal and I picked up a childrens’ book in French which had great illustrations. They were very gender neutral and colorful. I brought the book home and cut out some of my favorite pages. Using simple frames from Michaels that matched the wood tones in the room I hung them all around the room. Here is a picture of that nursery in our old home. It was so bright and airy. The curtains were sewn by my mother and worked well for a girl when paired with pink, as well as for a boy when paired with…
Read MoreThe biggest feature in our finished basement is the wall of built-ins using the IKEA Hemnes line. It is the most Pinned about, Tweeted about, and commented on item in my home. It was featured on Houzz when I was interviewed on my basement. I also wrote an ideabook for Houzz with a step by step tutorial on how to create built ins using IKEA hemnes furniture. It’s like the popular girl at high school who gets all the attention. When the basement was ruined I was so sad to see it go. I knew it would be back so it all ended well. My contractor would be installing it like he did before so I didn’t worry about how it would happen or what it would look like. I did the exact same thing as before but learned a thing or two along the way. I purchased the same…
Read MoreWhile we were in the last stages of refinishing our basement we had what felt like three weeks of rain. The floor had not been placed down yet which was a great thing since one afternoon I came home to this… The culprit was this corner of the basement and totally unrelated to the broken valve which caused the problem this summer. Before the basement was finished we only had water issues in the back right corner. We installed a bulkhead door and dug down to the foundation, added crushed gravel and pipes going out to the back yard. No more water issues. Until now. The water was coming in from some cracks in the foundation which were quickly sealed up again. To give ourselves some peace of mind we decided to bite the bullet and add a sump pump. The storage room…
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