Choosing the right paint color for a bedroom…
As I begin the project of updating my 9 year old daughter’s bedroom we have a big hurdle to overcome, agreeing on a paint color. When we moved in two years ago and she wanted to paint her room dark purple and bubblegum pink I appeased her by buying a wall decal. She choose the decal, she selected the colors and everyone was happy. I’m all for letting kids help in design selections and decorating but I knew that those two colors would only last for so long. Our house has a pretty neutral overall color scheme. This room would scream “a little girl lives here”, and it would make the designer in me cringe, internally of course.
Two years later and I’m informed of the following. Pink is for babies. Purple is acceptable but she is now thinking of blue. A light blue, not a baby blue. Absolutely no pink at all. She is a pre-teen and she doesn’t want hot pink or light pink or bubblegum pink or anything else pink. She’s not a little girl anymore.
Understood. Sigh…
Before choosing a color for her room I decided to do a little research on what colors work best for a bedroom. I wanted a calm, tranquil space. What colors should I lean towards and what colors should I be avoiding?
According to Debbie Zimmer of The Paint Quality Institute, paint color plays a huge role in creating an overall mood for a room. Here is the breakdown by color.
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