Decorating with plates
I’ve already told you how I love to decorate using plates. They add color, they add texture, and you can change them every day of the week if you really want to. Now I’m going to show you how.
Typically, plates are hung with these…
This method might work great for some people, but it also means that this is what you see once it is up.
It is a beautiful plate put up to make a statement. The four spider legs coming over the top and bottom are not part of that statement.
I knew I wanted some plates up but thought I’d shop around for another method. I was actually considering hot glueing some picture hangers to the back of the plates. Then I got lucky. I was browsing through my local Ben Franklin craft store and came across these…
I grabbed the three that were left, after reading the instructions and description about 5 times. Still in shock that these actually exhisted and I didn’t know about them, I went home to try it out.
I wet the adhesive with about a teaspoon of water. As I rubbed it around with the back of a spoon it began to get tacky. I laid the plate face down, making sure the hanging tab was lined up with the top of the plate. Once it was centered I placed the adhesive down. There was some room to maneuver it around. I let it sit and dry overnight. The next morning the adhesive was sealed on and the entire plate hanger adhesive was dry. Three nails later, this is what my wall looked like.
I love the warmth these plates add to my kitchen. You might have some heirloom plates you would rather not serve food on. Put them up on your wall. If you change your mind, just soak the entire plate and the adhesive comes right off. It is such a better alternative to the old wire hanger look. Plus there are no scary spiders crawling over the edges.
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