Let the Holiday decorating begin…
My neighbors next door have a lovely birch tree in their yard. Let me rephrase that. They had a lovely birch tree in their yard. Even though is was dead, it was beautiful to look at. They had plans to take it down and I had some plans as well. The day I heard the chainsaw cutting away I planned on asking for some branches. Well that day was Saturday. I heard the buzzing, took a peak outside, did a happy dance and went over to ask.
It was a large tree so as we were discussing how it would be missed I casually asked, “So what are you doing with all the branches?” Not holding my breath or anything I heard the reply, “I’m not sure, do you want some?”
Keeping my composure I said I’d take a couple. I was even asked what size I wanted them cut at! What a good neighbor. I came home after a day with family to find this on my patio…
Here’s where Pinterest comes in. I’ve been looking around for some ideas of what to do with these.
This is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what I can do with these. The centerpiece ideas are a whole other story! This is my first step to thinking about the Holidays. I’m probably the only blogger out there who doesn’t have her tree up and entire house decorated. I do love decorating for Christmas but I’m still getting over Thanksgiving. I’ll get there eventually!
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