I'm in the HomeTalk Bloglight!
I’m thrilled to share that today I’m in the HomeTalk Bloglight! HomeTalk is a site for all things DIY. It is a blogger’s “happy place.” You are able to post projects, ask questions and share tips and ideas about everything from home improvement to gardening. It is full of great advice, ideas and inspiration. I’ve been sharing my own projects for quite a while now and love receiving all the kind comments and kudos. You can find No. 29 Design on HomeTalk right here.
Being in the Bloglight means I get a bit personal today. That part is new to me, so here goes…
About me
Besides being a blogger, I’m a wife, a full-time mom to a 9 year old girl, a six year old boy and a three year old boy, and a graphic designer in my spare time. That wasn’t busy enough so I recently opened an Etsy shop as well!
How did you first get into blogging?
I’m the type of person that always has a creative project going on in some form or another. If I don’t have one, I make one up. I had been a devoted reader of various blogs for a couple years and desperately wanted to try my hand at it. I was just not sure how to start. As time went on and my confidence grew in what I could do on my own, my projects got bigger and bigger. I then started writing imaginary posts in my head, complete with what pictures I would take! After a month or two of doing that to myself I began doing some (actually a lot) of research. I woke up one day in January of this year and decided that was the day. I wrote my first post and haven’t looked back!
How did you decide on the name of your blog?
The blog name was easy for me to come up with. I’m a graphic designer and I had already decided on No. 29 Design as a business name. My house number is twenty-nine and being who I am, I wasn’t going to have a blog or business without the word design in it. Plus twenty-nine and design sorta kinda rhyme.
Which project has brought you the most traffic to-date?
Hands down, my most popular post is my basement remodel. I took our scary, dark basement from this…
to this…
Closets were added for toys, pantry, and of course, my projects. I created a built-in along one wall with five pieces from the Ikea Hemnes line.
This earned me a spot on IKEA Hackers which made my summer!
Faux board and batten was created by painting the wall white between the pieces of molding. A laundry room was added complete with my personal favorite, a barn door.
Tutorials have always been a favorite of mine. I’ve done a couple on pelmet boxes and other window treatments, which have done well on HomeTalk as well as Pinterest!
no-sew hanging valance |
pelmet box |
no sew box pleat curtains (from a tablecloth) |
And then there is my boys’ room closet. I wanted to gain more floor space in their room, so I removed the closet doors, put my favorite IKEA piece inside, and hid the storage on top. Mommy’s happy and their closet does not become a black hole of toys and clothing!
How has keeping a blog changed you?
Blogging has been such a positive experience for me. I’ve found a huge network of people with the same interests and ideas. Feedback and encouragement has been passed back and forth and is so inspiring. I had people ask me how I was going to come up with ideas once my basement was done. I’m happy to say that this concerned me only for the first month or so. I even turned to my husband at one point and asked him if he thought that was the case. His response? “In the 15 years that we have been married when have you not had a project?” Smart man.
I feel as if a faucet turned on and all my creative juices came pouring out. Blogging is a whole new world and there are so many possibilities and opportunities.
Do you stick to a strict posting schedule? How do you keep track of when and how often to post?
I started out in January by blogging five days a week. With three young children at home this was pretty challenging. At the beginning of the summer I decided for my sanity I would only post three times a week. I liked this schedule so much that I’ve stuck with it. There are weeks when someone is sick or various things such as life come up and my schedule changes. I chose the “go with the flow” school of thought.
What are your favorite kinds of posts to read/write?
I’m a big fan of figuring things out, so tutorials have to be my favorite kind of post to read as well as write. I love showing someone how to do something in a logical and clearcut way. It’s gratifying to hear from a reader that not only have they tried one of my projects, but that it worked! Knowing that I gave someone the confidence and knowledge to make their home their own is the best feeling. All my projects begin with the idea that no huge power tools are needed. Using resources such as Target, HomeGoods, Home Depot, yard sales, etc, you can get the same results.
What advice could you give to other bloggers that you wish you had known before you started blogging?
Since I feel like I’m just getting started I can’t offer too much advice to other bloggers. If you love something enough it will come easily. Find a balance that works for you and your family. It is your blog so there is no pressure as far as schedule or deadlines. Set goals for yourself that are realistic. After that you just need ideas, content, and some good pictures!
Thanks so much to everyone at HomeTalk for this opportunity today. And thank you for stopping by to visit!
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