the mudroom {during}
I now have a mudroom. It is no longer a mudroom/laundry room with four piles of dirty laundry on the floor competing with coats and shoes and everything else. It is just a mudroom. It is a little room with a big job considering we have two adults, three kids and now a dog (gasp!). Cue the brakes and scratched record sound effects and Hello Dolly!
Moving on, here is how it looked before the washer, dryer and utility sink were moved downstairs to the new laundry room.
Right now the room feels so much bigger. The shoe armoire was moved to the back wall and covers the area which is one of the biggest eye sores in that room. Out of sight, out of mind.
The space left by the washing machine and sink is now filled by an Expedit. Eventually I will make a trip to IKEA to get a couple baskets. Everyone will get their own and more!
The built in bench will stay where it is. It is definitely less crowded now that we are not negotiating around all these various pieces. Plus warmer weather is here and school is almost over, which means no heavy coats and backpacks.
Speaking of backpacks, this wall has some changes coming. First of all, the door to the garage is getting a coat of paint, I’m just not sure what color yet. I might be considering black. I’ve been wanting to paint a door black for a while now. This one might be the victim. I’ll keep you posted on that one.
Second, I’ll be installing some hooks to hold all the backpacks and bags, separate from the coats. These lower hooks will also come in handy since my three year old can’t put his coat away without climbing up on the bench. Having a hook at his level will make it a little easier for him. When he gets taller, it’s a backpack hook!
Some other changes are in the works for that wall as well. Think horizontal!
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