My first article for Houzz…
Yes, you read that right. Let me explain…
A couple weeks ago I was interviewed by Houzz for a feature on my basement remodel. Houzz is the internet’s largest database of design and decorating ideas. It is full of inspirational images, idea books and resources. If you are working on your home and want to get ideas based on rooms, styles or features Houzz is the place to find all that. Houzz also is full of articles or idea books with information on how to make your home look incredible.
I was ecstatic beyond belief that Houzz would be featuring my basement. Then that night I got an email from Becky Harris, the writer for Houzz who interviewed me. She was wondering if I would be interested in writing for them. I would love to tell you the words that next came out of my mouth but my mother is reading this. Suffice it to say I was thrilled. Becky and I had spoken quite a bit about No. 29 Design and the approach I had to design. She thought that me and my projects would be a good fit over at Houzz.
From there things moved quickly. I was put in touch with an editor and between emails and a phone call I wrote an article. I’ll be walking readers through the common design dilemmas you find once you purchase a home. Using the resources available at Houzz I was able to solve a lot of my issues that came with my own house. My first article just came out today and I’d love for you to go take a look. Comments are greatly appreciated!
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