my office storage solution…
While work begins on the flooded basement life goes on upstairs. Since I removed a kitchen cabinet or two you might be wondering where everything that was stored there finally went. In my dining room is a large buffet with storage on top as well as below.
I was in a purging mood a while back and cleaned and organized the entire thing. I was left with two empty shelves on the lower right side of the buffet. They now house cookbooks, workbooks, paper and three magazine boxes which I use for my childrens’ incoming schoolwork during the year.
The drawers were organized a bit as well and what was there was consolidated into three drawers instead of five. One contains all our chargers, battery chargers, usb cords, etc. The other one contains the junk drawer items. Everything from my hammer and measuring tape to paperclips.
All that is now left from the kitchen cabinets is what you see below and yes, I have a plan for those too. Actually two plans. More on that later.
So for those of you thinking I’m crazy for using my buffet as office storage, this is my thinking. Just because you purchased a piece of furniture for one purpose does not mean you can’t bend the rules a bit. I have no office space in my home. My dining room does double duty as that space. I was able to organize my buffet enough so that there was plenty of room to now store other items. Maybe you can fit a wifi printer in you buffet or your modem in your hutch. Does any furniture in your house do double duty? Share in the comments below to pass some ideas along.
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