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my one man cleaning cleaning crew is retiring…

My one man cleaning crew is retiring since he starts kindergarten on Monday. Whimper. 
My youngest is like my little sidekick and has been with me every day as I work around our house and then blog about it. My other two will lend a hand as well but since I do most of my work when they are in school the job falls on my youngest. He loves to help. He is my clean up crew, and the one who double checks if I’ve screwed something in tight enough. He measures, sometimes paints, and accompanies me to Home Depot to cut wood. He is always ready to try out a chair or two and has made many, many long trips to IKEA. He likes the meatballs.
I went back through my blog to find all the times he lent a hand…

I keep reminding him of all these little “last times.” I mentioned it again at the grocery store yesterday that this is his last “trip during the day, not on a weekend, and not during the summer” to the grocery store with me. His reply was “It’s ok mom, at least we have great memories!” 

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