No-sew hanging valance tutorial
My kitchen has one window and is boxed in by cabinets on either side. It is the only source of light in my kitchen at this point, so in deciding what I was going to do for a window treatment, I knew I didn’t want anything too “heavy.” I had fallen in love with this fabric so I started playing around with ideas. I couldn’t have an outside mount window treatment because of the cabinets so I came across this one day at the fabric store.
A decorative tension mount curtain rod. Who knew? After some experimenting, here is what I came up with.
Do you want to try it yourself? Here is what you need.
{supplies needed}
iron-on adhesive
curtain rod
clip rings
I basically cut the fabric so it measured exactly the width of the window opening, with about one extra inch on each side for a seam. I made it five inches tall, again with a one inch each seam on the top and bottom. I ironed the fabric at the seam to get a crisp line. Then I placed the iron-on adhesive under the seam and ironed again.
Take care at the corners. I usually cut the fabric on a angle that so I get a tight corner.
That is basically it. After that I just clipped some clip on rings spaced out evenly, hung it on my tension rod and put it up.
Just to let you know, the project took about 20 minutes. Getting the pictures for this post did not. Please excuse the toy filled sun room outside and the five year old who thought it would be a great idea to get into one of mommy’s shots by moving the trampoline under the window.
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