A tray for my junk
There is a section of my kitchen which I keep for my own purposes. It basically is the command center, just not a desk. The top cabinets have cookbooks and boxes with everything from screwdrivers to tape. There are two drawers below the coutertop. One is the designated junk drawer. The other holds all our chargers. Below that is my printer, paper supplies and the kids coloring books and crayons. It is not perfect but it will do for now.
On the countertop I used to have my computer. Since I have a laptop now I gained back that space so I purchased a container which holds files for each child. Their homework and any necessary paperwork that I need on a daily basis is in there. The rest of the countertop is empty and usually has my cell phone and anything that needs charging. We had a hole cut in the countertop with a plug inside the lower cabinet to do that.
I felt like I needed something else on that counter to contain all the extra’s that usually end up there. I’ve also found that if the space is taken up by something already, no one (myself included) will deposit the random Matchbox car or stuffed animal. I wanted some sort of tray but could never find one the right size. Then I made a trip to the dollar section in Target and found this tray.
Very girly but perfect. After some paint, paper and Mod Podge, it turned into exactly what I needed.
I’m so happy when something I make myself comes out better than I expected! Plus it cost me all of three dollars, tray and paper included! I already had the paint from one of those tiny sample bottles from Benjamin Moore. I’ll show you how I did it tomorrow, really easy project. I actually did it together with my nine year old. She wanted to paint it purple, but I held her back. Maybe next time.
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