The View From My Window
Yesterday morning my yard looked like it always does. The birds were eating at the bird feeder. The squirrels were picking up the scraps on the ground. Bunny rabbits were hopping around.
Fast forward a couple hours and we had pure chaos in my serene backyard. Trucks parked so close to the house that some siding was broken. Holes of soft dirt and clay that caused the before mentioned truck to become stuck. The smell of gasoline in the house from the trucks and the saw used to cut the cement in the foundation wall. Big huge pieces of cement steps lifted on a crane and brought much too close to the dining room window.
I’m really hoping this was the messiest day. Let’s just say there is a fine layer of dust EVERYWHERE. The closer you get to the basement level, the less of a fine layer it is. All in all, the steps are in for the bulkhead door. The cut cement is going to be broken through tomorrow and framing might start on Monday. Regardless of the mess and chaos, it did make for some great entertainment!
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